An Architect-specific tool, this video was a product demo for new software called Smart Plan. Using SmartPlan, the project team collaborates with clients to visualize complex development concepts, quantify their impacts, and make informed decisions. 

I should be an honorary architect by now having done so many scores related to architecture. Though I don't understand much of the details of this product demo, the vibe of the video production was quite clear for what it needed musically. The vibrant and cool animations done by SOFTlab was begging for an urban and sampled atmosphere. I relied off of recording and processing sounds from my ukulele and my nord's mellotron library to give that effect.

Smartplan with Sasaki

Client: Sasaki Associates

Composer: Glenn Forsythe

Produced by: Arbuckle Industries & SOFTlab

Project Type: Promo, Corporate Video, Underscore